Friday, January 11, 2013

If You Don’t Quit - You Win!

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9, NKJV

Well, here we are, it’s only the second Friday of 2013. Last year is now in the history books-- it’s over, finished, another year gone, and a new one is here. The slate is clean and it’s time for a fresh start.

Did you know that the course of this new year is more dependent upon what you do today than what you did all of last year, combined? Today is important because the decisions that you and I make today will set the stage for what 2013 will look like.

That’s why I love today’s text from Joshua. It’s a charge from God himself to be strong and of good courage as we look ahead. But in the same breath He also reminds us to not be afraid, nor dismayed at our future, because He promises that He’s never going to leave us alone.

What would be possible in 2013 if God was helping you, every day, to fulfill His vision and His purpose in your life? Just imagine what you could accomplish if everything you put your hand to prospered this year. What’s stopping you from thinking BIG, from thinking POSSIBLE, from thinking YES rather than NO, from thinking JUMP rather than STAY? Who said you can’t change? Who said you can’t accomplish great things?

Don’t even think about playing it safe this year. In Joshua’s case, it would have been much easier to stay in the desert, to maintain the status quo, but there was so much more that God had for him and the children of Israel. God had a land filled with milk and honey waiting for them if they didn’t quit, if they pushed ahead, if they really trusted God and didn’t quit before they even got started.

Listen, you can do it. Your life can be different, you can reach those goals of yours. Stop putting it off another day, another month, another year. It’s time to think bigger than you’ve ever thought before, it’s time to dream beyond where you’ve ever dreamed before. You’ve got all it takes when you’ve got God on your side. He is more than able to help, more than able to supply what you need, if you’ll believe it and receive it.

So, be strong and of good courage, don’t quit on yourself or on God. Push forward beyond the restraints of fear. You can make it, if you don’t quit-- you win!

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