"Make the most of every opportunity for doing good in these evil days." Ephesians 5:6 The Message Bible
Did you know that your most valuable possession is your time? God is reminding us here in today’s text that we should, on purpose, make the most of our time by doing good. So what’s good, and what’s not so good? That’s the million-dollar question, because each of us has been given the exact amount of time each day. We are each given the same 24 hours each day to either spend it, kill it, waste it, or invest it. So what exactly are you doing with your time?
It seems like we can focus our use of time in one of two primary ways. We can spent our time in temporary things, which usually keeps our focus on ourselves—or we can invest our time in doing eternal things which helps to keep our focus on God and others. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that everything we do has an eternal significance. For instance, I’m not sure driving motorcycles has any great eternal value, but it sure gives me temporary pleasure. But again, riding motorcycles is just a small portion of my life.
This past Wednesday night we took over 100 of our church leaders out for a nice dinner to cast some vision about the future of our church. We challenged this group of high-capacity leaders to consider investing a little more of their time in fulfilling some very specific leadership positions in our ministry. We didn’t ask them to leave their jobs, but simply invest a little more time each week into things that make an eternal difference.
Why are we talking about this today? Well, it’s because I want to ask you this simple question—what are you investing your most valuable possession in? What could God do through you if you were willing to refocus and repurpose a little more of your time each week to do things of eternal value? What kind of good could come through it? Jesus was quite aware of the limited amount of time that He had on this earth, but He focused on eternal things that resulted in much good in the lives of others.
“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” Acts 10:38 NKJV
So today, how about making this issue a matter of prayer. Let’s ask the Lord to help us see ways that we can invest a little bit more of our time in doing things of eternal value that bring a little more good to the world around us.
Let's do it!
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