"A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24, NKJV
Isn’t it great to have friends who really care about your life and invest themselves in your friendship? We were really blessed this week by our friends John and Sharon Hull from Atlanta. They invited us to come down this week and stay with them for the sole purpose of introducing us to some of their friends. It was a super cool thing for them to do for us. It’s one of those life experiences that you could never put a price tag on. It really meant a lot for us when they opened up their world, and invited us to get to know their friends.
But this act of kindness and generosity is a reminder of the cost associated with having friends. You’ve probably figured out by now that friendships aren’t easy, and on top of that, they always cost something. But, there is a great return on the investment—it’s called a full and satisfying life. Here are a few random thoughts about friendships:
(1) Friends usually see the good things in you that you don’t always see in yourself. Isn’t it totally awesome that your friends just like you…because…they like you? Even on those days that you don’t like yourself? I believe that God brings us friends as a way to remind us that He likes us too.
(2) Friends take an interest in your life and they make sure that the things that matter to you, matter to them.
(3) Friends will defend you when other people say nasty things about you. They always see the best in you because they believe in you. I love how today’s verse says that there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. You see a brother is your brother no matter if things are good or bad, up or down – you’re just stuck. Well that’s what a good friend will be. When others abandon you, they’ll be there.
(4) Friends would rather stay up late and talk all night than sleep because they cherish the time they get to have with you.
(5) Friends would rather buy something for you than buy something for themselves because they value you and your friendship.
(6) Friendships take lots of time to develop, and to have good friendships requires a commitment from both parties. Strong relationships can’t be microwaved; they need time in the crock-pot. So find ways to connect regularly with your friends by phone, email, over coffee, or through a dinner or lunch once a month. Do whatever it takes. It won’t be wasted time.
(7) Friends will help you laugh till you cry. They’ll give you their ear when you just need to talk through something that is important. They’ll even help you pick up the pieces when your life seems to be falling down around you. Why? Because they are your friend.
So, how are you doing? What friendships do you need to be cultivating in your life? Go ahead – make that phone call, send out that email and start making friends. Remember, “A man who has friends must himself be friendly.” Don’t wait another minute; it’s so worth the cost!
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