"But what does it say? 'The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart' (that is, the word of faith which we preach)." Romans 10:8, NKJV
My wife Beth and I have been the senior pastors of Valley Family Church for nearly 20 years. It’s been a joy to bring the message of Jesus Christ to so many people over the years. To see people grasp the reality of forgiveness of sins and eternal life through Jesus Christ for the first time is so cool. And then we get to watch them launch out into this wonderful adventure of a life, built upon their faith in God and His Word. We’re often asked if we’re one of those “word of faith” churches – as if there was another option? If you know of one, please pass it along. Here in Romans, the Apostle Paul called the message that turned his life 180 degrees around, the “word of faith.” That was what he preached everywhere he could, regardless of his circumstances, because he knew there was no “Plan B.”
What is the word of faith? Well, it’s simply learning to take God at His Word. Does God really care how we live our life? He sure does, because in Hebrews 11:6, He says, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”
Notice that this verse doesn’t say it’s “unlikely” to please God without faith. It actually says it is impossible! Now don’t miss this, because it’s huge: the only way you and I can please God is to live our lives in the way that He originally designed for us, by faith. So how do we do that? How do we get faith?
Well, according to Romans 10:17 faith only comes one way. It says, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” In other words, faith isn’t some mystical or magical thing. It’s very tangible and it only comes one way, through God’s Word. Remember what Paul said that he preached? He said he preached the “Word” of faith. He wasn’t preaching his ideas, or his experiences, or even his theories for living. He was simply preaching the Word of God, and when he did, faith came to those who heard him.
So if faith comes by hearing, how do we know when it arrives? Again, according to Romans 10:8, the word of faith will show up in two places. It shows up in your mouth, and in your heart. You’ll hear yourself talking differently. You’ll catch yourself thinking differently. There will be a confidence and a trust that comes from the inside of you that says, “I believe God’s Word, more than I believe in these circumstances that I’m facing staying the same.”
What scriptures are you hearing and getting into your mouth and heart? Are you just blindly trusting God or are there specific verses that you’re making your stand upon? Our faith and trust can only be founded on the Word of God. So grab your Bible today and let God’s Word, His promises, speak faith into your life, and hold on because change is coming. There is no “Plan B.”
Say It: “Father, I want to live my life in a way that pleases You. I believe You, I believe Your Word and believe that Your promises are bigger than any circumstances I may face. I will put Your Word in my mouth and in my heart. I will speak Your Word over my life, my family, my business and my circumstances. I will see Your Word begin to mold and shape my life. Your Word is changing me, today! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
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