Saturday, April 17, 2010

100,000 Miles

I've been trying to remember how many times I've driven a car past 100K miles. I've been driving for 36 years, and I'm pretty sure that every new car I've owned I've driven beyond this special mark on the odometer. We crossed this milestone last night coming home from watching our son Eric play some AAU b-ball up in Grand Rapids. Had to stop and take a picture to prove it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Gideon's

I spoke this morning to the state convention of the Gideon's. What a cool group who are totally committed to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ through the distribution of Bibles and leading folks down the Roman Road to personal faith. I shared with them how it was through a Gideon Bible placed in at hotel room in Traverse City Michigan lead to my personal commitment to Jesus. I hope they were encouraged to see what their work has done in my life.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day One 2.0

Going to speak tomorrow at the state convention of the Gideon's. I couldn't be more thankful for this organization. It was through a Gideon placed Bible in a hotel room in Traverse City that I gave my life to Jesus Christ over 25 years ago. What a journey of faith it's been ever since. We'll never know the name of the faithful Gideon volunteeer who made sure that there was a Bible in that room. But because of their service to Jesus Christ I was saved, atttended Bible School and now with my wife, we pastor Valley Family Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan. A church that ministers to nearly 4,000 people every weekend. Thank God for the Gideon's! Can't wait to tell them myself how grateful I am.

Day One

It begins today! Many of you are probably wondering what I'm thinking about today. Well, let me tell you... not much. Just testing out a new blogging service for our website Peace out my people!